HVAC Reviews and Ratings by Brand

High Performance HVAC Reviews and Ratings by Brand
American StandardHeil
Day and NightTrane

The above table includes a majority of our reviews brands. We also have boilers brands and geothermal heat pump brands that will be added in the near future. To see those reviews simply navigate to boiler reviews or geothermal heat pump reviews categories. We do have a few more brands in addition to our water heater reviews. For those reviews please navigate to the specific equipment category you are looking for. Thanks!!

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HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings for New Heating and Cooling Systems - HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings | Brand Index

HVAC Reviews | Consumer RatingsHVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings - In the Air Conditioning & Heating Reviews category, we cover nearly all manufacturer brands and types of air conditioning and heating systems. Above you will find top rankings for various HVAC equipment and brands to help you get started. Use the main menu to the right to read comments of equipment or make a comment and rank your HVAC equipment. HVAC Reviews are available in the main menu at the top.

HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings Criteria

NOTE: We get a lot of email from people requesting reviews of specific model numbers and equipment and it is nearly impossible for us to make reviews on every single request as we have a limited staff. The best way to get your review request fulfilled is first making a review of the current equipment that you have. Regardless of age, we want to know if the equipment has been reliable and worked out well for you and your comfort needs.

Even if the equipment is old it still provides a record of the manufacturer’s equipment and the quality or non-quality that went into the equipment. It is all free with no hitches for making reviews or submitting new listings. When you email us with a request to review specific new equipment you are considering purchasing we will use the email address to match up with your review and then fulfill the request usually within a few days.

HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings - How We Rate Products

Boiler ReviewsIn late 2010 High Performance HVAC went through some fundamental changes in staff and the way we rate HVAC products at HVAC Reviews. We will make a technical review of the products and then let the public make the comments. We will no longer an issue “Caution Alerts” or “Don’t Buy” tags on products but simply offer a technical analysis of the products we choose to rate and review. It will be up to the general public to make specific recommendations of the equipment.

As we move along throughout the coming new year and beyond we hope to bring the general public new reviews that will help them make the decision of what equipment is best for them to choose. Good luck and if you would like to have a specific model number evaluated for technical analysis please read the above and submit a review for your specific air conditioner, gas furnace, or other HVAC equipment and then email us and let us know you made a review. That will put you at the head of the line of others.

HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings


HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings and Heating and Cooling Equipment Opinions - HVAC Reviews Consumer Ratings | Brand Index

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HVAC Random Tip Box

HVAC Tip - HVAC Preventive Maintenance: Just like a vehicle needs preventive maintenance, HVAC systems need a regular maintenance schedule. Having maintenance performed on your air conditioning and heating systems now can help you avoid costly repairs in the future. Air Conditioning and heating preventive maintenance also pays for itself by making the unit more efficient, safe, and reliable. Often, a technician can spot a ten dollar part that needs replacing now where if it is let go and not replaced, can cost you hundreds of dollars more in the future. The old phrase is true, "pay me a little now, or a lot later." I see it every day. Basic maintenance on condensers and air handling units will save you money in the long run. If your local heating and cooling company offers maintenance agreements look into getting one for your home or business. Typically, companies offering maintenance agreements waive overtime charges for after hours or emergency calls and offer you reduced prices on parts. That is in addition to performing preventive maintenance twice annually.