Commercial HVAC Category Index
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The History of Construction Safety
The History of Construction Safety - Anyone working in construction nowadays knows that there are mandatory safety standards in place to ensure the safety of workers. Using heavy machinery, working at height or in enclosed spaces, or using dangerous chemicals all have...
Owners Specifications and Submittals Commissioning
Owners Specifications and Submittals Commissioning - Attention to detail is a prerequisite for commissioning. This is especially true when looking through the project specs and finding the owner's requirements for the project and then matching the owner requirement...
Unit Heater Sequence of Operation
Unit Heater Sequence of Operation - Mechanical rooms have very important equipment that needs to be protected. Often mechanical rooms are not conditioned and subject to outside temperatures and freezing conditions that can freeze piping inside the mechanical. For that...
Disconnect and Electric Motor Starter with Overloads
Disconnect and Electric Motor Starter is used for turning the power off and on the electric motor used in HVAC applications. It also has overloads built into the starter so if one of the windings begins to pull too many amps the overloads open the circuit and the...
Chiller Barrel Evaporator for Chilled Water Systems | Air Conditioning
Chiller Barrel Evaporator - A chiller evaporator barrel exchanges heat between one refrigerant and another. Usually, the primary refrigerant is R-22, R-134A, or some other blend or alternative HFC. The secondary refrigerant is water. This water is circulated...
Boiler Commissioning Functional Testing – Quality Assurance
Boiler Commissioning Functional Testing - Commissioning (Cx) any type of HVAC equipment is many different procedures from the beginning of the commissioning process to the end of the process. One of the most important procedures during the Cx process is functional...
Steam to Hot Water Generator HVAC Heating
Steam to Hot Water Generator HVAC Heating - There are some facilities including campus-like complexes that use a centralized steam plant as steam to hot water generator. The steam is generated from a large boiler and piped to various buildings around the campus or...
How VAV Boxes Work | HVAC Zoning
How VAV Boxes Work? A Variable Air Volume box is typically installed in HVAC systems in commercial buildings and provides heating and cooling for occupants. There are different types of Variable Air Volume boxes but how a Variable Air Volume box works is fundamentally...
Variable Air Volume Box with Hot Water Reheat | Commercial HVAC
Variable Air Volume Box with Hot Water Reheat - The variable air volume box or VAV box is a commercial solution to adding multiple zones to large buildings. VAV boxes offer zoning solutions so that separate zoning demands or temperature selections can be maintained in...
Glycol Feed System for Chiller Condenser Water Loop | Antifreeze Protection
Glycol is like antifreeze and is used in chilled water piping loops to prevent freezing. Everyone knows when the pipes freeze they also break and start leaking. Having antifreeze in a chilled water loop is important to prevent freezing. Glycol Feed System for Chiller...
Actuators for Chilled Water Valve | DDC Commercial Systems
Actuators for Chilled Water Valve - These chilled water actuators control the flow rate for a chilled water system in a data center. There are various sequences of operations for chilled water systems and the sequence of operations is usually always different from one...
Outside Air Dampers with Energy Recovery | Energy Efficiency
The dampers straight across are outside air dampers or make-up air coming from an energy recovery unit. According to the mechanical code, commercial buildings require a certain amount of fresh air from the outside to maintain good IAQ for the occupants. An energy...
Economizer Systems and HVAC Control | Building Automation
Economizer Systems and HVAC Control - Direct Digital Controls Systems in HVAC control have taken leaps and bounds in the last few years. Especially so in being user-friendly, ease of designing systems, troubleshooting system problems, and increasing efficiency over...
Critical Facilities and Make-up Water
Critical Facilities and Make-up Water. Data Centers a categorized by tier levels and everything in the data centers infrastructure is checked and classified so that any particular data center can achieve a certain tier level based on the infrastructure in the data...
Air Management in Hydronic Piping Loops
Air Management in Hydronic Piping Loops - This is a secondary chilled water pump in a large pump room designated for pumps and piping in a data center. After a few minor tweaks and corrections, these pumps all operated flawlessly. There were very few issues with the...
About Chilled Water Systems HVAC Hydronics
About Chilled Water Systems HVAC Hydronics - Chilled water systems are mainly used in large commercial HVAC air conditioning systems and industrial cooling applications although there are some residential and light commercial HVAC chilled water systems in use. Chilled...
Generators Serving Small Data Center | Critical Facilities
Generators Serving Small Data Center | Critical Facilities - These generators serve a small data center giving the data center backup emergency power in the event of a loss of utility. Most data centers have redundant power from the utility and backup generators. In...
Chilled Water Pipe Vibration Isolators | HVAC Piping
Chilled Water Pipe Vibration Isolators - Vibration isolators protect the chilled water piping from receiving vibrations transmitted through the piping when the chillers are running. The vibrations can create problems not only for the chilled water piping but also for...
Hot Water Unit Heater Mechanical Room Protection
Hot Water Unit Heater Protecting Mechanical Room - Unit heaters are used in various places to protect equipment and provide comfort to occupants. This hot water unit heater provides protection for a mechanical room where there is a large air handler and other...
Energy Recovery Wheels | HVAC Enthalpy & Heat
Energy Recovery Wheels | HVAC Enthalpy & Heat - As the cost of energy rises engineers are looking for ways to improve and increase energy efficiency. Aside from HVAC equipment with higher energy efficiency rates, improving structures for less heat loss and heat...
Water Tower Pumps and Controls | Pumping Systems
Water Tower Pumps and Controls | Pumping Systems - Water towers maintain a ready limited supply of water for communities in the event the water main goes down. Many towers are used for emergency situations for the fire department to have water for fighting fires and...
Ceiling Fan in a Garage | HVAC Airflow
Ceiling Fan in a Garage | HVAC Airflow - This ceiling fan keeps the air moving in a large garage where repairs are made to heavy machinery. In addition to providing a level of comfort by keeping the air moving in the shop the ceiling fan also helps to keep noxious...
Heat Trace Tape Control for HVAC Piping
Heat Trace Tape Control for HVAC Piping - HVAC Piping systems, especially in the Northern regions, need a way to freeze protect piping the runs outdoor which is a necessity in many different HVAC application. To protect HVAC piping from freezing heat trace tape is...
Domestic Hot Water Mixing Valve and Domestic Storage Tank
Domestic Hot Water Mixing Valve and Domestic Storage Tank - This domestic hot water mixing valve offers a way to temper the hot water coming from a hydronic hot water loop and boiler. It is very important to maintain the appropriate and desirable temperatures of water...
Infrared Radiant Heating Systems | Garage Heaters
Infrared Radiant Heating Systems | Garage Heaters Infrared Radiant Heating systems provide comfortable heat in larger areas and spaces such as garages, warehouses, and other open spaces where other types of heating systems are not practical or efficient. Infrared...
HVAC Reznor Heating System | LP Gas Unit Heater
HVAC Reznor Heating System – this Reznor unit heater provides heating for warehouses, garages, and other open spaces which can be heated with unit heaters. Unit heaters are ideal for big open areas which need heating without ductwork being used to channel the air into...
Ammonia Chilled Water System | Commercial HVAC
This chilled water unit is a new ammonia chiller. This unit is also unique in that it has no compressor. Instead, it uses the chemical properties of ammonia and heat from natural gas to condense the refrigerant which is ammonia. A chiller provides chilled water to a...
Hot Water Boiler Economizer PreHeater | Energy Efficiency
Hot Water Boiler Economizer PreHeater | Energy Efficiency - This is a hot water economizer and is a big preheater for domestic hot water use. This hot water boiler plant serves a large community for heating and domestic hot water use. Domestic hot water is used for...
Variable Frequency Drives or VFDs | Energy Efficiency
Variable Frequency Drives VFDs | Energy Efficiency - In HVAC variable frequency drives add energy efficiency and precise control for fans and pumps. The VFDs offer demand control for airflow and water in chilled water systems, hot water systems, and air handling...
VAV Air Handler | HVAC Zoning
VAV Air Handlers are ideal for providing zones in a commercial building. Office space typically has several offices and open areas that need to be conditioned for the comfort of the people working in those areas or offices. By installing VAV boxes and zoning the...
VAV Box Types Fan Powered and Shut Off
VAV Box Types Fan Powered and Shut Off VAV Boxes - When attempting to name the different types of VAV boxes we find there are different names given to VAV boxes by different people and we find that no one is on the same page when VAV boxes are definitively defined. We...
Data Center Commissioning Basics | HVAC Functional Testing
Data Center Commissioning - A load bank that gives a heat load for testing the cooling system in a data center. The load banks are also used to give the electrical system a load for testing the data centers electrical equipment and redundancy. PDU's or Power...
Portable Load Bank for UPS Testing | Commissioning
Portable Load Bank for UPS Testing | Commissioning - This is a portable load bank used for testing small UPS (Universal Power Supply) systems and for other electrical loads. New UPS systems are tested to ensure they operate properly and can hold the designed load...
Cooling Tower Fan | Commercial HVAC
This is an HVAC chilled water system cooling tower fan for a large chilled water system. Four large cooling towers for two chiller plants in a data center. Data center cooling systems generally are redundant not only for emergency situations but also for maintenance....
Cooling Tower Evaporation Cools Water | HVAC Technical
Cooling Tower Evaporation Cools Water | HVAC Technical - Cooling towers use the process of evaporation to cool or removes heat from the condenser water that was transferred to the water in the chiller condenser barrel. The heat is absorbed in the load in this case in...
Stationary Load Bank for Testing Electrical Equipment
Stationary Load Bank for Testing Electrical Equipment - Large data centers often need load banks for testing or exercising electrical equipment from time to time especially after maintenance procedures have taken place and the maintenance staff wants to test the...
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