Table of Contents
What you will learn from the Condenser Fan Motor Repair article:
1) Specific description of a motors job along with some technical details
2) Air Conditioner & heat pump fan motor operation
3) fan motor troubleshooting basics
4) Condensing unit fan motor repair warning and disclaimer - Turn the power off before working on the fan
5) Replacing or repairing the motor
6) Why you should replace the capacitor when you replace the motor
7) Conclusion along with lots of resources and related links so you can take a closer look and learn more.
Condenser Fan Motor Repair | Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps

Condenser Fan Motor Inside the Condenser
On occasion, for whatever reason, the condenser fan motor fails. This will necessitate a condenser fan motor repair. The condensing unit fan is responsible for pulling air through the coils of the condensing unit. They pull air through the condensing unit coils. It runs the gamut in horsepower ratings from low fractional horsepower in small residential units all the way up to 1 horsepower (and larger) 3 phase motors in large commercial HVAC units.
It is usually a direct drive to a propeller blade that creates the airflow. Its job is to move air. A specific quantity of air through the condensing unit coils so that a heat exchange process can take place and rig the condensing unit of the heat it absorbed indoors or in the case of the heat pump in heating mode to absorb heat from the outside air and send it inside.
Condenser Fan Motors Available for Purchase Here
It is the process of refrigeration and all the components work together to achieve one result. That is to move heat from one place to another.
A Closer Look - The classic definition of refrigeration is to move heat from one place to another. The condenser fan motor is an essential part of that process. Take a closer look at the HVAC Refrigeration
Condenser Fan Motor Repair - Air Conditioners
In straight air conditioners, the air conditioner fan is used mainly in the summer. Or when the air conditioner is running. During the winter this fan sits idle until the air conditioner is turned back on in the spring when temperatures begin to rise.
This can be a problem for the HVAC condenser fan motor. Sitting all winter without any motion the bearings and shaft in the air conditioner motor can seize up or rust. It is important that the air conditioner motor be checked to ensure it is running. This is especially when it is first turned on after sitting idle all winter.
This is a good reason to have air conditioning spring preventive maintenance performed by an HVAC professional.
Heat Pumps | Condenser Fan Motor Repair
The heat pump condenser fan motor, on the other hand, sees run time during the winter because the heat pump motor needs to run to produce heat. The heat pump condenser fan motor, like the air conditioner motor, is a direct drive to a propeller blade that pulls the air through the condensing unit coils. Sometimes, people will hear the heat pump unit running but the fan will not be turning. This is usually when the heat pump kicks into defrost mode in the winter and should only be a temporary occurrence that only happens when the heat pump unit is in defrost mode.
This can create other problems such as the compressor overheating. Therefore, it is important to make sure the condenser fan motor is working.
A Closer Look: Learn more about electric motors used in HVAC
Condensing Unit Fan Problems & Troubleshooting | Condenser Fan Motor Repair

Goodman Heat Pump getting the fan motor replaced.
Sometimes problems can develop with the condensing unit fan that needs the attention of an HVAC professional or sometimes a handy DIYer.
Since the condensing unit fan is an electric motor and out in the open and subject to the weather and changing weather conditions including temperature extremes the condensing unit fan must be rugged and durable enough to handle these extremes including rain which can kill any motor quickly if water gets inside it.
Many HVAC manufacturers take great pains to protect the fan from the elements including keeping the fan from getting wet.
It is important with a condenser fan motor that the fan motor is protected from moisture. Most condenser fan motors have a closed motor housing to keep moisture from getting into the motor or windings of the fan motor.
Here are a few common problems that happen with fans that generally need the attention of a professional HVAC technician simply because the condensing unit is really a dangerous place to work around as the condensing unit can start automatically. Severe injury can result so there is a danger unless one is trained at working safely around the condensing unit.
The Fan Blade
The condensing unit fan blade sticks and will not turn when the unit kicks on. Usually, this is a result of moisture and rust which will prevent the motor from turning even though it has power on it. Sometimes a quick flip with a screwdriver (being very careful when doing it) will get it started again.
Another cause of a frozen blade can be the result of a bad or weak run capacitor as the motor needs the torque boost a capacitor provides to the single-phase motor.
Another problem with the motor can be a bad contactor or relay and a bad contactor will also affect the compressor. If it is a bad relay it is likely a heat pump and not an air conditioner as most heat pumps control the motor through the heat pump defrost control board.
In the case of the heat pump, the relay is located on the defrost control board and looks like a black cube. The entire board needs to be replaced as the black cube is integral to the board.
Repairing and Replacing the Motor
Some additional notes on fan motor repair. If the motor is replaced then it is always prudent to replace the run capacitor at the same time.
This is done to ensure the run capacitor is properly rated for the new motor and secondly to make sure the capacitor will last as long as the motor (at least ideally). Additionally, a closed case motor is preferred to prevent water from getting inside the motor where the windings and other electrical components are located. Don’t forget to remove the drain plug on the bottom of the motor in case moisture does get into the motor.
On condensing unit fan replacements there is usually a plug on the bottom or top of the motor. The part of the motor facing down should have the plug removed to allow water to drain out of the motor in case water gets into it.
Additionally, it is important to make sure the fan blade rotation is correct. The air should be blowing up from the unit as the fan blade pulls air through the coil and discharges it out the top. Many aftermarket motors have a wiring diagram on the motor for reversing rotation so that air is being pulled through the motor.
A Closer Look: Learn more about capacitors used in HVAC
Catching Flack with the Fan Motor Repair – Condenser Fan Motor Repair
I’ve had some people including technicians ask me why I always replace the capacitor. Clearly, it is not bad? Again, when the fan motor is replaced the motor run capacitor for the motor should also be replaced. I replace the motor-run capacitor even if it tests good.
The reason for this is because when some electrical components get hot they break down. Or have a history of breaking down if they are defective. When motor run capacitors are tested they are tested cold. It is nearly impossible to test the motor-run capacitor when it is hot. Therefore, I replace it. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Secondly, capacitors are cheap compared to motors. Lastly, as stated above you make double dang sure you get the properly rated capacitor for the motor.
To me, that is going above and beyond to make sure you are doing a Class A job for the customer. It is how I would want my air conditioner or heat pump technician to be if someone were called to repair my system.
Variable speed condenser motors or variable speed blower motors do not use capacitors. Capacitors such as conventional PSC motors use. Therefore, there is no need to check capacitors in systems that have variable speed blower motors or variable speed condenser fan motors.
If you have a failed motor it will cause severe issues with the refrigeration system. Especially when the temperatures and the load is high. The compressor will trip either on a high-pressure switch or on its own internal overloads. It does this because of excessive pressure and heat as a result of a bad fan motor.
This excessive heat can be hard on a compressor and the internal components of the compressor. Therefore, a healthy condensing unit fan is important for the proper operation of the refrigeration system and the durability of the compressor.
Make sure the condensing unit fan is maintained properly and you will likely avoid several problems. Problems with the other major components of the air conditioner or heat pump condenser system.
Another resource to find information about Condenser fan motor repair and refrigeration can be found here.
Condenser Fan Motor Repair - Air Conditioner - Heat Pump
New unit installed H4, when running hardly any air comes out.
Air is coming out but not much. Its stuffy up here in second flour. This is cheapest unit.
Why cant i get more air.
Also the company says i have to not go under 68 degrees or above 80 degrees.
Cheap unit. What gives. Can i get more air.
Need more info about fan size, unit size, and duct size. Make sure you have a clean air filter.
Why would my Condensing unit be on almost all of the time. Every time I look at it, it’s running. Could low Freon be the problem?
There can be many answers to this question but in a high heat load the condensing unit will run (not only the fan but also the compressor) most of the time simply because the system was sized or possibly undersized for the home. An addition to the home could of been done that added extra load on the system. The system could be experiencing a mechanical/electrical issue that needs to be resolved. It could be low freon (or refrigerant) or it could also be too much refrigerant if the system was overcharged. I cannot tell you without looking at the system and using my gauges and other tools tell you exactly why the system is running all the time.