Gas Furnace Category Index

Gas Furnace Category Index

Gas Furnace Category Index

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Furnace Breaker Trips

Furnace Breaker Trips

Furnace Breaker Trips - Furnace breakers most often occur for a few reasons: a bad circuit breaker a bad furnace fan motor or component poor airflow through the furnace Let's explore these reasons in detail and find out what you can do to fix a furnace breaker trip....

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How Hot Surface Ignition Works

How Hot Surface Ignition Works

How Hot Surface Ignition Works - Hot surface ignition is a method of lighting a gas furnace. It is used in many different types of gas furnaces in use today. You may be wondering how hot surface ignition works? Therefore we decided to write an article on it so you can...

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Why is My Furnace Leaking Water

Why is My Furnace Leaking Water

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?  Paul, Last year my husband and I purchased a brand new gas furnace and air conditioner split system. We followed your advice and want to thank you. It is much improved over the old system and the utility bills are lower. Everything...

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Energy Star Gas Furnaces

Energy Star Gas Furnaces

Energy Star Gas Furnaces | We get this question from time to time about Energy Star gas furnaces and how it can benefit you as a consumer. Therefore we are going to fill you in on the specifics of Energy Star and include information about gas furnaces with the Energy...

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How a Gas Furnace Works

How a Gas Furnace Works

How a Gas Furnace Works - Richard, Can you please explain to me in basic terms how a gas furnace works? I have a standing pilot gas furnace if that helps you better. This question is closely related to my article on the Gas Furnace Sequence of Operation. Each type of...

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Gas Furnace Facts

Gas Furnace Facts

Gas Furnace Facts - Gas Furnaces are the most used types of the heating appliance for our homes and businesses and modern gas furnaces range in efficiency ratings from 79% to 98%. Gas furnaces can either use propane or natural gas for fuel. That largely depends on...

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Flue Condensation Problems

Flue Condensation Problems

This picture shows furnace flue condensation problems. This problem is caused by hot gases cooling too quickly in the flue. As the hot gasses cool, the moisture in the gases condenses and starts dripping back down the flue. Typically, there is a combustion issue or...

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