Indoor Air Quality and Viruses – Reduce Worry and Enjoy Cleaner Air

Indoor Air Quality and Viruses - Reduce Worry and Enjoy Cleaner AirIndoor Air Quality and Viruses - The recent advent of the COVID19 virus has many people worried about catching the virus. They wonder what they can do to avoid catching it not only for themselves but also for their family members.

Of course, there are many things to take into consideration when out in public to avoid exposure, but how do you protect yourself at home? At work? Let’s take a look at the air quality inside your home and how to increase the quality of that air to protect yourself and your family not only from viruses but also from other bad substances including bacteria and mold. (more…)

Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air

Air Conditioner Blowing Hot AirAir Conditioner Blowing Hot Air – Hello Richard, my air conditioner is blowing hot air today and I am wondering what’s going on with it. It is mild weather here and still winter, but the temperature here got above 80° F today, and when I came home from work, I decided to turn the AC on to cool the place down a bit.

Cooler weather hits tonight when it’s going to be around 40° F according to the forecast. Is this something I need to worry about right now? It is uncomfortable here right now, but I can hold out until tonight. Am I just a little worried the next time I need the air conditioner? Should I call for service? Or maybe there is something I can fix?



Air Conditioner Maintenance | Maintaining Comfort

filter maintenanceAir Conditioner Maintenance | Maintaining Comfort - There are many things people neglect to take care of and before they know it whatever it is they neglected fails to work. That happens with air conditioners also. Of course, being a licensed and trained technician, I could tell you some horror stories from things I have observed when people neglect their air conditioner maintenance.

I will forgo telling you these horror stories and cover the nub of the subject of air conditioner maintenance. I’ll describe the basic things you can do yourself and then cover things you should call a professional to do. Real AC maintenance tips can save you money and keep you comfortable. What can be so bad about that? How did Johnny stop a Trane, you ask? Well, keep reading, and we’ll get to it. Stop yawning, and we’ll get to it okay? (more…)

Energy Star Central Air Conditioners

Energy Star Air ConditionersEnergy Star Central Air Conditioners | It is not an unusual question. What is an Energy Star air conditioner, and what makes it better than an air conditioner that is not Energy Star rated? We get this question from time to time in our email for different types of HVAC systems including air conditioners. Moreover, many people want to get the best efficiency from their air conditioners including any other types of HVAC systems they have in their home.

Furthermore, they want efficiency basically because it saves them money while they can stay comfortable. With energy costs rising from electric bills to other utility costs, it is important to get the most efficient type of HVAC system you can buy. If you buy one, will an Energy Star rated air conditioner save you money? Is it the best you can get to save money on your utilities? Finally, we will answer those questions in this article as there is no simple answer to these questions. (more…)

Air Conditioner Breaker Trips

What do you do when the Air Conditioner Breaker Trips and it won’t reset? What to do if the breaker keeps tripping? Try to reset it. If that doesn’t work? What do you do when it trips again? I’ve been on several service calls where the problem was a tripped breaker. Of course, this causes the air conditioner not to function correctly. Sometimes the problem with the air conditioner breaker trips is simple. However, other times, they are complex and result in significant repair.

Here we’ll describe the two separate line voltage circuits for your split system air conditioner. Additionally, we will also describe the possible causes that will make your air conditioner trip the breaker. If you have a package unit, then you will have a single circuit for your air conditioner. Lastly, a package unit is an air conditioner or heat pump in one package (all in one air conditioner).


Air Conditioner Circuit Board Troubleshooting

Air Conditioner Circuit Board Troubleshooting
Air Conditioner Circuit Board Troubleshooting Question - Hello, my name is Calvin and I am an HVAC Technician that graduated from a community college 2 years ago and I am still learning and know I have much more to learn before I think of myself as an expert. I have been running into a lot of circuit boards in air conditioners and heat pumps and I simply want to know what is the best way to troubleshoot and air conditioner circuit board? It seems like a lot of electronics and they never covered electronics too much in school.

I do understand basic electrical circuits and how circuits work in the air conditioners and heat pumps I work on but more and more systems are getting electronic circuit boards and I would like to know the best way to troubleshoot these air conditioner circuit boards so I can make the repair.Thanks for your help and I have learned a lot from your website. I look forward to your answer! (more…)

How Much Refrigerant for the Air Conditioner

How Much Refrigerant for the Air Conditioner Question: What amount of Freon would it take to service a unit that services a 1200 square foot residential house if it were completely depleted?

How Much Refrigerant for the Air Conditioner

Answer: We get questions like this a lot in our email and this is not easily answered especially when we are talking about charging an air conditioner or heat system. No matter how the system lost its charge of refrigerant (many people refer to it as Freon which is technically incorrect) there are many things you need to know before attempting to charge the air conditioner or heat pump with refrigerant (or Freon if you prefer). (more…)

Fix Sweating Copper Pipes

What you will learn from How to Fix Sweating Copper Pipes article:

  1. One of our readers submitted the question: How to Fix Sweating Copper Pipes - and we will answer her question
  2. A description of the problem with the sweating pipe
  3. The name of the copper pipe causing the problem and why it is sweating
  4. The repair of the sweating copper pipe to stop it from sweating
  5. What you need to know about sweating pipes and any moisture problem in your house
  6. Lots of resource and related links to help you learn

Supply Vent Myth – Does Closing Supply Vents Save?

What you will learn with Supply Vent Myth article:

  1. First, how modern duct systems are designed
  2. How closing the supply vents effects the static pressure in the duct work
  3. Why and how closing supply vents effects modern HVAC equipment
  4. How to save energy and therefore money
  5. Where to obtain the books and/or software to learn how professionals design duct systems and do load calculations for sizing heating and cooling systems
  6. How heating and cooling equipment ie furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump can be effected by closing off supply vents
  7. Alternative methods used in commercial HVAC
  8. Alternatives for residential HVAC

Air Conditioner Causes Water Damage

Air Conditioner Causes Water DamageHello, We need to ask you about water damage and how an air conditioner can cause this kind of damage. The whole ceiling in one of the rental properties just fell into the living room. All the drywall and insulation from the attic fell and caused damage to our tenant’s furniture. Thank God the tenants were not at home and injured when the ceiling fell in.

The insurance adjuster came out and looked at it and said the problem was because the filter was clogged and the air conditioner froze up inside the air handler.