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EarthLinked Technologies Geothermal Heat Pump Reviews. Sometimes there are some HVAC manufacturers that have such innovative ideas that they amaze everyone including HVAC professionals. It is a “slap yourself on the forehead time” and say to yourself “why didn’t I think of that”?
The concept is so simple that EarthLinked Technologies, formerly ECR Technologies, has a wonderful idea to save some time and money. It also makes things practical. So you don’t have enough land for trenches and deep drilling is impractical or impossible for a conventional geothermal heat pump system. What do you do?
EarthLinked Technologies Geothermal Heat Pump Reviews - How it Works
Using EarthLinked Technologies geothermal heat pump system and its proven methods and concepts you can have a Waterless™ Geothermal Heat Pump. Here’s how it works; with a typical geothermal heat pump system, you have a deep well, large trench area, or a body of water where you pump water through the condenser for the heat exchange process.
With EarthLinked Technologies you simply need to run copper tubing either vertically (which requires drilling) or horizontally in trenches. The tubing is buried a minimum of 5 feet underground and specially insulated. Specially insulated to enhance the heat exchange process and to protect the pipe.
The refrigerant is run into the pipe instead of water and the pipe and the Earth acts as the condenser exchanging heat with the refrigerant inside the pipe. This process requires less piping than a water-based geothermal system. Therefore, you won’t need to drill multiple wells for large tonnage systems or have miles of trenches.
This is just another innovative way to save energy and it is innovative. Options include a recommended desuperheater to catch waste heat from the air conditioning cycle. This is used for hot water in a hot water tank and for a dedicated hot water heating system. Lastly, this is on-demand and provides endless hot water using the geothermal heat pump system. Kudos to Earth Linked Technologies for their innovation!
EarthLinked Technologies Geothermal Heat Pump Reviews - History
Earthlink Technologies began making geothermal water heaters. Their founder wanted to build a system that would capture energy from the Earth. Knowing that the Earth absorbs nearly one-half of the solar heat it receives from the sun. Working from that fact the founders of Earthlink Technologies built water heaters. Water heaters use the heat from the Earth to make hot water. Finally, that developed into making geothermal HVAC systems for heating and cooling the home in addition to heating water.
EarthLinked Technologies Geothermal Heat Pump Reviews
Wish I had never bought EarthLink equipment. Have had to have a service man work on it each of the last ten years. Any saving have been spent on service 🙁 Now our 6 ton unit has a Freon leak in the system and its not in the compressor unit. Big $$$$ to fix…….
We had a similar experience. Nothing but pain and suffering with these guys. At one point, their installer stopped taking calls, no more messages, total radio silence, and we were freezing. When I got another pro to look at the system for us and told those guys everything that the other installer found wrong with it, their lawyers replied. What else do you need to know. We finally gave up and installed natural gas. It was like a prison break. If you haven’t done it yet, just put in a nat gas system.
Our home was completed in 2007 and had two ECR Geothermal systems. There was a three-ton upstairs and a five-ton unit downstairs. The 3 ton was replaced in 2015 when the fourth in ground well system failure occurred. The five-ton system failed on October 2, 2018 and I was told to forget about any support. This was expected, since there no support for the three-ton system. We ended up with a high efficiency gas furnace and AC unit being installed while I was in the hospital.
Same here. We went with high efficiency gas furnace and an AC unit. Best decision we ever made to dump doomed system from Earthlinked.
I also have an EarthLinked ground-based geothermal system installed less than 2 years ago. Have also had multiple problems resulting in the need to charge with freon multiple times, approximately 80 pounds so far. I still have 3 years warranty, but have been led to believe warranty is worthless as company was sold or went out of business. Can’t get a straight answer and neither can my HVAC installer. I’d be interested in a class action lawsuit. My HVAC installer has over time found several leaks in system. The latest in the A coil. Also a fan motor in one of the ACM (auxiliary cooling module) has failed. Another company Total Green Manufacturing appears to have acquired Earthliked Technologies assets of evidently no responsibility for warranties. I don’t know if they bought out Earthliked or not. I just want to know where to go to get my warranty honored.
I also had an earthlinked ground source heat pump installed about 6 years ago. It also never completely worked correctly. Each year we tried to find someone to work on the system. After replacing multiple parts and it still not working in the winter time. We contacted the company whose closest service place was 85 miles away and obviously wouldn’t travel to us. Each year we had to add Freon and the compressor overtime sounded horrible. Finally we just shut the system down calling multiple HVAC individuals we located someone still at a distance who would look at it. Discovered the A coil was leaking Freon and compressor is most like shot. This not to say their maybe other problems and even if we fixed those two items might still have issues. We installed this when the home was being built and spent at least 20,000 or more at that time not counting all the aggravation trying to find someone to service it and replacing multiple components and adding Freon we spent thousands more. For the price of the equipment to only get 6 years (mostly aggravated) we would have come out ahead installing a more conventional system. Although the company spoke with us they never really assisted us and kept telling us if we found someone they would walk them through it. We always felt it was not our job to locate someone to service this and had they helped us at the start we would not be looking to replace this. I would never recommend this equipment to anyone and would advise you to look elsewhere. I believe with all the negative reviews I’ve read we should file a class action lawsuit. I already gave this company $20000 more than this equipment is worth and want people to beware. Please read reviews. There are a few good ones but probably just company planted reviews. Look at companyIes that have multiple service people in your area which is what this company should be doing but is not interested in servicing their product just selling it.
I have had similar problems with finding service companies for my geothermal system. I am in Ohio and only one service provider was found. I sent a question to the company only to get an email back that they were going out of business.
I Had Earthlinked technology heat pump installed in my house about 5 years ago, It never worked properly. My electric bill is doubled . I am still using oil, which is a back up. The company which installed is no more in business. There is no one to take care of the system. I have not able to contact Earthlinked for help . I had invested 100 grand, Wish there is someone in earthlinked help me.