by High Performance HVAC | American Standard HVAC Reviews and Ratings, Package Unit Reviews |
American Standard Package Unit Reviews | Consumer Ratings - American Standard package units come in all available combinations from hybrid heat pumps with gas heat for the backup heat, to air conditioners with electric heat or gas heat, to straight heat pump package units or straight air conditioner systems. (more…)
by High Performance HVAC | American Standard HVAC Reviews and Ratings, Gas Furnace Reviews Index |
American Standard Gas Furnace Reviews - American Standard gas furnaces ranges in efficiency ratings from 80% up to 97.3% AFUE. American Standard has a top-of-the-line gas furnace that modulates from 40 percent to 100 percent. Additionally, the modulation of rated capacity is based on demand. It is very important that any HVAC equipment you purchase is installed properly. Additionally, it must be set up properly to gain the rated efficiency. Finally, the efficiency listed on the unit at the time of purchase. (more…)
by High Performance HVAC | American Standard HVAC Reviews and Ratings, Heat Pump Reviews |
American Standard Heat Pump Reviews - Consumer Ratings - American Standard currently offers several heat pumps of various capacities. These heat pumps have efficiency ranges between 13 SEER 9 HSPF to 20 SEER 10 HSPF. American Standard uses the name Platinum/Gold/Silver to describe their models of heat pumps. The high-efficiency Platinum 20 Communicating Heat Pump is the premium model.
The Silver 13 Heat Pump is their economy model. American Standard uses Platinum for their top of the line heat pump. For more economical models they use Silver and Gold. The Platinum models being the most efficient with all the bells and whistles. The economy model is the 13 SEER Silver. Silver is the basic model and most economical to purchase. Finally, the Platinum model is the most feature-rich. The Platinum is also the most expensive model available from American Standard. (more…)
by High Performance HVAC | Air Conditioner Reviews, American Standard HVAC Reviews and Ratings |

American Standard Air Conditioner Reviews - Consumer Ratings - American Standard manufacturers air conditioners and other HVAC equipment mainly for residential but American Standard also make light commercial HVAC equipment. Their air conditioners range in efficiency level from 14 SEER to 22 SEER giving the American Standard air conditioner one of the highest efficiency ratings in the HVAC industry for air conditioners.
American Standard air conditioners also come in a variety of configurations. From the standard split system air conditioner to the package unit air conditioner. They have either gas heat or the heat pump configuration. Some features of various American Standard air conditioners are: (more…)