Heating Oil Types | HVAC Heating

Heating Oil Refinery PipelineThere are different types of heating oil. The main type of heating oil used in most homes and commercial applications is “number two” heating oil. Number six heating oil is rarely used and is being phased out of use because it contains a lot of sulfur and other pollutants. Number two heating oil is designed to work with your oil furnace or boiler. (more…)

Furnace and Boiler Oil Filters | HVAC Heating

Furnace and Boiler Oil Filters | HVAC HeatingFurnace and Boiler Oil Filters - Oil burner oil filters are important to keep trash out of the burner gun and plugging the nozzle. A dirty filter can also choke the system from firing properly by preventing the correct amount of oil flow from reaching the nozzle. Oil furnace oil filters or oil boiler oil filters should be changed on at least an annual basis. More if the oil or oil tank is of poor quality. It is also recommended that the oil furnace or oil boiler be shut down when oil delivery is made.

Oil Furnace Boiler Pump | HVAC Heating Systems

Oil Furnace Boiler Pump | HVAC Heating SystemsOil Furnace Boiler Pump - A major component of oil furnaces is the oil pump and its job is to pump oil from the oil tank to the oil burner. It is important that the oil system is primed and free of any objects or particles that can plug the system. As well the oil pumping system must have integrity with no holes in the oil pipe where the pump can suck air into the oil line. Any air sucked into the line or a plugged oil line will cause problems with the oil burner that may result in a non-functional burner or a burner that does not produce efficient heat. (more…)

Oil Controls Burner

Oil Controls BurnerOil Controls Burner - The oil burner and oil controls provide the main source of heat for this oil furnace. The oil burner comprises an oil pump, an oil pump, a burner electric motor, a burner blower, a step-up transformer, an oil ignition control, an oil burner gun, and an oil nozzle (inside not viewable here).

The burner electric motor is directly linked to the blower and the oil pump and when the electric motor starts (controlled by the ignition control) the pump begins pumping oil while the blower provides primary air to the combustion chamber. (more…)

Honeywell Oil Burner Ignition Control | HVAC Heating

HVAC Honeywell Oil Burner Ignition ControlHoneywell Oil Burner Ignition Control | HVAC Heating - This Honeywell oil burner ignition control controls the oil burner sequence of operation. On a call for heat from the thermostat, the oil burner ignition control starts the burner blower. this mechanically interlinked with the oil pump.

The blower blows air into the combustion chamber and the oil pump pumps oil to the burner’s nozzle. The step-up transformer is energized and applies a very high voltage spark to the burner’s ignitor. When the flame is detected it is immediately detected by a cad cell eye which recognizes the light produced by the flame inside the combustion chamber. (more…)