New Yorker Boiler Reviews | Consumer RatingsNew Yorker Boiler Reviews - New Yorker Residential heating boilers offer various boilers for heating homes. New Yorker is based out of Hatfield, PA, and offers boilers in gas and oil plus some add-ons for coal and wood for selected boilers. The capacity ranges for New Yorker hot water boilers make them ideal for residential use. The efficiency ranges for New Yorker hot water boilers range from 80% AFUE to 87.6% AFUE* (according to New Yorker efficiency ratings listed on the New Yorker website).

New Yorker Boiler Reviews | Consumer Ratings - Features

Various features of selected New Yorker hot water boilers are:

  • Cast iron or steel heat exchangers available on selected New Yorker hot water boilers
  • Lifetime limited warranty on selected New Yorker hot water boiler heat exchangers
  • models can be retrofitted with indirect-fired hot water heater for domestic hot water use
  • selected New Yorker hot water boiler models come configured for automatic vent damper
  • Selected New Yorker hot water boilers utilize name-brand controls
  • New Yorker hot water boiler cabinets are powder coated and insulated for a reduction in heat loss
  • Standing pilot or electronic ignition systems available

New Yorker makes the good old-fashioned cast iron boilers for both oil and gas residential heating systems including domestic hot water for showering, washing dishes, and other domestic hot water uses.

New Yorker Boiler Reviews | Consumer Ratings - About New Yorker

New Yorker is a subsidiary of Burnham Holdings which is the parent company of Burnham Hydronics - the maker of Burnham Boilers.

For more information about New Yorker and their latest models and efficiency ratings please visit the New Yorker website.

Boiler Reviews | Consumer Ratings

New Yorker Boiler Reviews | Consumer Ratings

*For all efficiency ratings please visit the AHRI website database for manufacturer’s certification for efficiency for a specific model number appliance. AHRI is the certifying and testing agency responsible for the efficiency ratings with the HVAC industry.