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HVAC Professional Organizations | Heating and Cooling - Many people ask the question(s) what is ASHRAE? Or what is ARI? Or what is SMACNA? These organizations are all involved in HVAC and set the standards for the HVAC industry that most professional HVAC manufacturers and companies follow.
Engineers use standards by these and other professional organizations to write specifications for construction projects and government agencies use the standards produced by these organizations (and others) to define requirements for government construction projects.
HVAC Professional Organizations
These professional HVAC organizations produce guidelines for industry practices, methods, and construction techniques for HVAC equipment, HVAC safety practices and set point limits, fabrication and installation of ductwork and HVAC equipment and piping, and many other processes and equipment related to HVAC. Here we will cover each organization and its area of profession and authority in the HVAC industry.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Founded in 1894 ASHRAE has offices worldwide but the headquarters for the US chapter is located in Atlanta, Georgia. ASHRAE is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of HVAC&R for the benefit of society using technology development, research, and education and training. ASHRAE’s core values include leadership, integrity, service, and excellence. ASHRAE has approximately 50,000 members internationally they promote sustainable solutions for a better environment and world by advancing HVAC&R. ASHRAE is a global leader in the HVAC&R industry for HVAC&R technical, HVAC&R educational information, and professional growth for HVAC&R professionals.
HVAC Professional Organizations | Heating and Cooling - Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (ARI) or more recently (AHRI)
AHRI is the professional trade association that represents manufacturers of air conditioning, heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment manufactured and sold in North America. In 2007 the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and ARI decided to merge and that is how ARI become AHRI.
AHRI advocates for the HVAC industry representing HVAC manufacturers before Congress, federal agencies, and in some cases the courts when necessary. AHRI also sets HVAC equipment standards for manufacturers and AHRI certifies product performance of their member group products.
If you purchase HVAC equipment or HVAC products with the following stamps or logos then that particular HVAC equipment or HVAC product has met the rigorous standards as set forth by AHRI. ARI Performance Certified – GAMA Efficiency Rating Certified – or I=B=R are the logos or symbols used by AHRI to certify ratings-based industry standards.
The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute (ARTI) is the research arm of AHRI and ARTI research results and analysis tools to improve product efficiency ratings, integrate modern HVAC technology into buildings, and enhance indoor comfort. AHRI also offers a scholarship for qualified students wishing to pursue higher education in HVAC&R through the Rees Scholarship Foundation.
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
SMACNA is an organization that provides research and technical expertise in the HVAC industry for ductwork and sheet metal. SMACNA’s primary focus is on architectural expertise, industrial expertise, and HVAC expertise. SMACNA produces guides of accepted industry practices which are used in construction specifications on many construction projects.
SMACNA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a standard-setting organization. Standards from SMACNA cover a wide range of subjects including sheet metal and duct construction and installation, indoor air quality, energy recovery, welding, roofing, commissioning, roofing, and solar energy. SMACNA headquarters are in Chantilly, Virginia.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME was founded in 1880 and promotes the art, science, and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering. ASME is devoted to promoting mechanical engineering for the betterment of humankind. ASME promotes the technical competency of members within ASME by offering educational opportunities, guidelines, and criteria based on engineering excellence and knowledge.
ASME has 127,000 members worldwide dedicated to enhancing public safety and the betterment of the world through the science of mechanical engineering. ASME offers a library of codes and standards ranging in subject from Authorized Inspections all the way through Welding and Brazing. ASME plays a role in HVAC by setting standards and certifying boilers and pressure vessels. ASME is based out of Northern New Jersey.
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HVAC Professional Organizations
We know this list is not comprehensive and will update it as time permits. If know about other HVAC Professional Organizations you would like to share with High Performance HVAC drop us an email or post it in the comments below.
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