Closing Off Part of the House To Save Energy on HVAC | HVAC Efficiency

Closing Off Part of the House and HVACClosing Off Part of the House To Save Energy on HVAC - I have a Heil gas/electric package unit in my home. I, particularly, want to know, if I can close off a section to save on heating. Heating dealers have not been helpful as they hedge on whether and how this can be done with the system still running at its most efficiency.

I have closed doors to seal off the area. Then closed floor registers. Should I also close air return in that area? I just read this should not be done at all as it decreases unit efficiency? Will you please advise. I am thinking of closing off part of the house to save energy on HVAC. Thank you. (more…)

Air Handlers | Heating and Cooling

Caution is always advised around mechanical and electrical equipment including the air handler. Turn the power off before removing any panels.

Air HandlersAir Handlers - An air handler is usually located in the garage, a closet, or in the attic (unless you have a package unit then the air handler is incorporated into one system). It is essential to any AC unit and heating forced air system. All AC units need an air handler or way to move air. It can be a part of your furnace and houses the evaporator coils, the blower motor, and some HVAC controls. It can be an up-flow, downflow, or horizontal flow AHU (air handling unit). (more…)