Find Tonnage on AHU | HVAC Equipment Nomenclature

Find Tonnage on AHU | HVAC Equipment Nomenclature - How do I find out the tonnage on an AHU (Air Handling Unit)? The label/tag has faded all I have on file is the model number and the serial number, make.

Question Posted By Francisco the Building Engineer on May 3, 2011

Refer to the manufacturer’s website for their HVAC nomenclature of the model number and serial numbers and how those numbers correspond to the tonnage and other technical data. Or you can call your local dealer for the manufacturer and they will tell you. (more…)

VAV Box Types Fan Powered and Shut Off

VAV Box Types Fan Powered and Shut Off VAV Boxes - When attempting to name the different types of VAV boxes we find there are different names given to VAV boxes by different people and we find that no one is on the same page when VAV boxes are definitively defined.

We have fan-powered VAV and non-fan-powered VAV’s and we have series and parallel VAV’s and we have VAV boxes with a hot deck and a cold deck that mixes and one of the last projects I worked on some of the VAV’s were referred to as shut-off vavs. Variable Air Volume Boxes (VAV Boxes) regulates airflow into zones using a primary air source from a VAV air handler.

VAV Box Types Fan Powered and Shut Off

  • Cool only single ducted series
  • Fan-powered single duct series with reheat
  • Fan-powered single ducted parallel with reheat - uses plenum air before using reheat for energy efficiency

Aside from the control aspect of VAV boxes, pneumatic, electric, electronic, or DDC, there are many different variations to VAV Boxes and we will attempt to define each type of VAV including offering a diagram of each type and matching it with a specific application. VAV boxes are simply an assembly of a damper, damper controls, and sometimes reheat such as electric heat strips or a hot water coil. VAV boxes get their primary air source from a central VAV air handler and then distribute air throughout a specific zone the VAV box controls.


Chilled Water System Efficiency | HVAC Cooling

Chilled Water System Efficiency

Carrier Chiller w/Air Source Condenser

Chilled Water System Efficiency - Chilled water systems in HVAC are common in large commercial applications utilizing chillers to chill the water, a pumping system to pump the water (water and glycol systems are common), and chilled water coils inside air handlers or ductwork to exchange heat from the air that is distributed throughout the building for conditioning.

Fan Maintenance Energy Savings

Fan Maintenance Energy Savings

Proper HVAC Fan Maintenance and Control can Save Energy Dollars

Fan Maintenance Energy Savings - According to the Department of Energy fans consume nearly 80 billion kilowatts of energy per year. Optimizing how fans work functionally in mechanical applications can reduce energy use and save energy dollars for end users.

Assuming the design engineer selected the proper fan and proper installation in the well-designed system what can a facility manager do to save energy dollars and increase performance by looking at the fan systems in their building(s)? To make a good evaluation you need to look at several different factors in fan operation.

  • Fan Control
  • Fan Performance
  • Installation
  • Ductwork
  • Fan Maintenance
